Your mom keeps saying to take broccoli or
greens in your lunch. How many of us listened?
An Effective Element to Eradicate Cancer Cells
Cruciferous vegetables such as cauliflower,
Brussels sprouts, cabbage and broccoli have powerful components to fight
cancer. This is the news that everyone is aware of. But, recently there has
been a new addition to these components. Watercress is a new green that acts as
a cancer- fighting element in the current scenario. It is estimated to know
that Watercress and Brocolli has the capacity to increase the antioxidants in
blood and lower risk of colon, breast cancer and prostate.
People should ensure to consume watercress
along with these powerhouse vegetables for a healthy living. This green
supplement protects the body’s DNA against any serious kind of dangers. Further,
the scientists have found that broccoli and watercress will help to keep cancer
at bay.
Cancer patients are usually treated with
chemotherapy or radiation. After giving those severe radiations, the tumor
disappears from their body. But, the stem cells live inside the body. The
doctors won’t be able to find these tiny cells in the scan report as they are
very small. After some years, the tiny cells regenerate and spread cancer to
secondary locations.
A research team has treated cervical cancer
stem cells using PEITC and it is recorded that 75% of these stem cells has been
destroyed within 24 hours. Apart from these reports, ensure to consume broccoli
and watercress in this Summer season.
It is always better to be preventive than
suffering from the deadly disease. Remember to take green leaves, organic
fruits and vegetables for a healthier living. Stay connected with us to know
more about effective health supplements!
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